24 Jul


At first glance I was hooked like a fish in water

I saw a tender lamb that was ready for slaughter

Not in a violent way but spicy

You just might be a honey bun that’s icy


Your eyes woke me up from the dead

I was up all night tossing in the bed

Wondering will I ever get a chance to see them glow

I wonder will they take me to a place I don’t know


I’m glad I got a glimpse to see the sparkle by night

That is the main reason that gave me the inspiration to write

Can you guard my heart as you do your 9 to 5

Will you be the one I’m thanking God I’m a live


Cajun Eyes is my type of seasoning

I’m straight forward; I don’t have time for reasoning

I’m a Mr. Wrong looking for a Mrs. Right

I look forward to looking deeper into your eyes throughout the night


                                                Timothy Warfield

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